
The anaesthetic clinic is one of the major entry points of surgical patients into our anaesthetic services. For most patients, it will be their first meeting with the anaesthetists after the decision of surgery has been made.

With the aim of ensuring patients going through their surgeries as safely and as comfortably as possible, the primary role of the anaesthetic clinic is to assess, optimise, and prepare patients for their upcoming surgeries. This is especially true for patients with multiple comorbidities and/or planned for surgeries with moderate to high complexities. The anaesthetic clinic also carries the role of interdisciplinary liaison if interdepartmental referral or collaborations are deemed necessary to ensure the best outcome possible for the patients.

Globally, recognizing the pivotal role of anaesthetists in the care of the surgical patients, there is an increasing need for anaesthetists to embrace their expanding role as perioperative physicians. Therefore, the anaesthetic clinic will soon metamorphosize into a multidisciplinary integration point to provide wholesome, personalised and planned care for each patient, during pre-, intra- and post-operative period.

By incorporating the principles of perioperative medicine into the future development of the anaesthetic clinic, we aim to return patients to their baseline functional status as soon as possible after any surgery, to maintain their quality of daily living and to lower the associated socio-economic impacts on their lives.

Our Mission

  • To apply holistic, individualised and evidence-based perioperative medicine in the management of surgical patients
  • To ensure optimal and safe perioperative care for patients
  • To ensure early return of patients to their normal function of daily living with preserved quality of life
  • To maintain time and cost-effectiveness of perioperative care

Our Vision

  • To create a one-stop centre for preparation of patients for surgery
  • To improve communication, collaboration and involvement of multi-disciplinary teams in the pre-, intra- and post-operative management of patients
  • To ensure delivery of wholistic perioperative care tailored to individual patients’ needs
  • To minimise post-operative morbidity and mortality

Services Provided

  • Pre-operative assessment of patients going for elective surgeries
  • Collaboration and discussion between multi-disciplinary team in the management of complex surgical cases
  • Referral of patients to respective medical/surgical teams for optimisation of patients prior to surgery
  • Consultation and counselling of patients on anaesthetic techniques and processes relevant to planned surgical procedures
  • Blood taking and ECG assessment of patients in preparation for surgery