Obstetric Epidural Analgesia and Anaesthesia

Leading the unit are 2 consultants with the assistance of a senior specialist. Medical Officers comprising of Masters’ degree trainees rotate in the posting for one month period.  Obstetric analgesia service nurses provide assistance during office hours in the Labour Suites.  The unit embraces the importance of providing service, opening avenues for learning and conducting research.

Comprehensive care for the obstetric patient is provided throughout her journey.  This is accomplished antenatally via multidisciplinary team discussions, Obstetric Anaesthetic High Risk Clinics, Obesity Complicating Pregnancy Clinics and in-house referrals during admissions.

During labour, an array of modalities such as labour epidural, inhalational analgesia, and intravenous Patient Controlled Analgesia are available to the parturient in order to enrich her experience.  If surgery is required, office hour elective surgical list and a 24-hour emergency service are both available.  

Learning opportunities for the team is achieved through bed-side teaching, case discussions, courses and exam orientated tutorials.  On-going audits assist with quality assurance and improvement of services.  Finally, research activities allow us to explore new frontiers in providing holistic care for our patients. 

Perioperative anaesthetic assessment, counselling, acute pain service conducted by Anaesthetic Consultants, Specialists, Trainees and Medical Officers pre- and postoperatively.

24-hour obstetric anaesthesia team available for elective and emergency obstetric surgeries

Labour epidural performed by the obstetric anaesthetic team for intrapartum pain relief.